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Exploring lunar wonders!

Exploring lunar wonders!

Our solar system offers a wide range of objects and phenomena to look at and capture in amazing photographs. In this article, we delve in to the world of lunar imaging and explore our nearest celestial body that illuminates the night sky.


Lunar imaging can be done with a DSLR and a small refractor telescope, but when one seeks to capture more details of the lunar surface it is recommended to use a reflector telescope to get more aperture for cheaper price. Larger aperture enables you to capture smaller details, effectively resulting in a sharper image. A focal length of 1000-3000mm is recommended for smaller details and depending on the conditions you can achieve incredible details with even 150-200mm telescopes.

When looking at the moon through a telescope, you can notice a turbulence of the atmosphere wobbling the image back and forth. This effect can be reduced by the use of lucky imaging. Dedicated astronomy cameras can capture a high-framerate video and thus you can automatically pick the best moments of calm seeing. Stacking these subframes together and automatic selection of sharpest moments can be done in free software’s such as AutoStakkert or AstroSurface.
For lunar imaging, a monochrome sensor is a best choice as you can also use IR-pass filters to reduce atmospheric turbulence even further. Infrared light is less affected as it passes through our atmosphere, capturing these wavelengths of light can result in an even sharper details than without a filter.

Lunar objects one must see

As the lighting conditions of lunar surface is ever changing, it is worth looking at the moon during different phases of the lunar month. Some objects display prominent shadows or are better seen during a steep angle of lighting than others.


First smaller object one should look at is definedly the amazing crater of Copernicus. This large crater displays central mountains and prominent ray system across the lunar surface. It is so large that it can be seen even with binoculars!


Another great object to spot on the moon is the crater Plato. This lava filled crater is 101 kilometres in diameter. Smaller craters inside the main crater serve as a good visual clue of the current atmospheric conditions. If you can see multiple craters inside it, the seeing is very likely to be very good as they range from 4-13 kilometres in size. The Mare Imbrium region is a lunar gem worth exploring further too.

Plato (left) and Sinus Iridum form a beautiful scenery


Just before the full moon, one can notice a peculiar feature near the terminator with a telescope. A piece is missing! This is the crater Schickard, which can appear as a lost void in the lunar surface near the edge of light and shadow. The crater’s high walls block the light from entering the inside of the crater, appearing as an oblong shadow near the terminator. Schickard also has multiple satelite craters ranging from mere 5km to 94km. Offering amateur astronomers various smaller details to hunt for.

Schickard in a deep shadow appears as a missing piece in the lunar surface


Lunar imaging can be fun adventure, offering ever changing lighting to show off some of the most barren yet beautiful celestial landscapes. With right equipment and a bit of patience you can delve into this amazing world. So next time the moon is up, point your telescope towards it and prepare to be amazed!

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