Currency: EUR

Neutral Density Filter (ND 1.8)


Baader Neutral Density Filter (ND 1.8)

From 51,00


Backorder. Estimated delivery time 3-18 days.

Backorder. Estimated delivery time 3-18 days.

Product description

The neutral density filter dims bright objects and enhances surface details (Moon, planets) for visual viewing. The less light the filter transmits, the dimmer the image. With large telescopes, the Moon can be almost blindingly bright, so during the full moon, a very dim gray filter makes viewing more comfortable. Another filter, such as a color filter, can be attached to the gray filter.

Remember safe sun observation and photography! The gray filter alone is not enough, it is often used as a mandatory part of the Herschel prism.

Light transmission of the filter

  • ND 0.6 = 25%
  • ND 0.9 = 12.5%
  • ND 1.8 = 1.8%
  • ND 3 = 0.1%

* This filter must not be used alone as a solar filter!

Also available in 1.25 "size.


Product can be shipped with these shipping methods.

15,90 €
European delivery 2-5 days.
PostNord Parcel locker
5,90 €
PostNord Home deliver
19,00 €
Environmentally friendly delivery to your door at the agreed time. Trackable deliveries in real time even in the evenings in the biggest cities. Change your delivery as required.
UPS Standard
14,90 €
Delivery to Europe in 2 to 5 days.
5,90 €
12,90 €















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