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0.77x Reducer/Flattener for Esprit 150


Sky-Watcher 0.77x Reducer/Flattener for Esprit 150


Product description

M48 thread

Designed specifically for the Sky-Watcher Esprit-150 ED Apo Refractor, the new three-lens Focal Reducer/Flattener has a reduction factor of 0.77x. It comes with a standard adaptor with M48 thread edge and 55mm back focus for use with Sky-Watcher's M48 Canon EOS (code 20237) and Nikon (code 20238) adaptor rings. After removing the adaptor, an M71x1 internal thread with maximum 75mm back focus is available for self-made adaptor solutions. The Reducer/Flattener produces a fully illuminated and corrected image circle of 34mm diameter and is therefore perfectly suitable for image formats up to APS-C but can also be used for full format.

Product information

  • 36mm fully illuminated field, compatible with both APS-C and full frame sensors
  • 90mm back-focus (55mm when back focus spacer and M48 ring installed)
  • Drops f/ratio from native f/7 (1050mm) to f/5.4 (810mm)
  • Reduces exposure time by 68% compared to native f/7
  • 2.54 x 1.7-degree field of view when used with a full frame camera
  • 1.66 x 1.11-degree field of view when used with APS-C crop sensor
  • Includes reducer, metal thread-on caps, back focus spacer and M48 thread adapter
  • Built-in 2" filter cell for mounting filters into the light path


Product can be shipped with these shipping methods.

15,90 €
European delivery 2-5 days.
PostNord Parcel locker
5,90 €
PostNord Home deliver
19,00 €
Environmentally friendly delivery to your door at the agreed time. Trackable deliveries in real time even in the evenings in the biggest cities. Change your delivery as required.
UPS Standard
14,90 €
Delivery to Europe in 2 to 5 days.
5,90 €
12,90 €















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